Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"A Risk Free Life"

            In the article “A Risk Free Life” by Leonard Pitts is about a woman getting her unborn child tested for Alzheimer’s. She is worried because it runs in the family. Also, Pitts talks about how in the future you’ll be able to use a check list to pretty much build your child from skin color, hair color, eye color, to height, and weight.
            This article really caught my attention. I love psychology and people’s opinions about the subject are quite interesting. Personally I believe there will be a technique to choose eye and hair color. But as for using a check list to build your child in impossible. From studying psychology I have learned that you can not choose what your child looks like, the 23rd chromosome of the father chooses the gender. And what ever the mother and father’s genotype and phenotype are chooses what dominant and recessive gene the child will have. The child is supposed to resemble the mother and father that’s why they call it an offspring. If people have the ability to assemble their child that defeats the purpose. Pitts has some pretty interesting ideas about the future, but I highly doubt we will get that technical.
            If Pitts is correct about future technology I would choose not to do it. I would want my child to represent my husband and I naturally rather than how we want them to look. Also, I am all for getting my unborn child tested for genetic diseases. A lot of heart issues are in my family and it seems that a type of mental illness skips a generation. And I would like to know before hand so if my child is positive for any disease my husband and I are mentally and physically prepared for what we have in store for us.

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